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9th Grade Prep Course

Saint Joe's is offering incoming freshman a unique prep course to get them ready for the Fall.

We have designed a 2 week (32 hour) program designed to give our incoming 9th grade students a terrific head start into high school level classes.

Course outline and information is listed below:

Course schedule:

Session 1: July 1-3, 8-12: Geometry and English I Prep

Session 2: July 15-18, 22-5: Algebra and English I Prep

**Note: The English I Prep course is the same for both sessions. You should register for the session based on the mathematics course.

Daily Schedule

9:00am -11:00am                English

11:00 am - 11:30pm            Lunch/break. (food services are NOT available)
11:30pm - 1:30pm               Math


Full Course (Full Session 1 or 2): $250
Half Course (Math or English Only): $150

English I

The course is designed for both College Preparatory or Honors level students that are looking for exposure to the topics and rigor of English class at Saint Joseph High School. English I explores a variety of literary forms including novels, short stories, poetry and drama. The English I Summer Institute will incorporate excerpts from different forms and genres of literature to expose students to the types of literature they will experience fully in English I.  Throughout the two weeks students will enhance their skills in research methods, effective note taking, advanced grammar and vocabulary, literary analysis and composition. Many of the skills addressed in this course are applicable to other areas of discipline and extend beyond academics to executive functioning and organizational skills. Strong reading, writing and public speaking skills are essential for success not only at Saint Joseph High School but also in higher education and for any career path your son may choose in the future, and it begins with this course! 


The Geometry Prep Course is held over two weeks (8 class days) during the Summer with two hours of practice per day. The first portion will move quickly through basic skills like evaluating expressions and solving equations before solidifying algebraic concepts that the students covered in their 8th grade year.  The latter portion of the class will introduce the Geometry concepts that the students will encounter in their opening weeks and months at Saint Joe’s. Doing well in Geometry as a freshman will put a student on the track to take Honors or AP Calculus as a senior. 


The Algebra Prep Course is held over two weeks (8 class days) during the Summer with two hours of practice per day. The first portion will focus on basic skills, but not limited to, evaluating expressions, solving equations and inequalities, percents, graphing in the coordinate plane, statistics using measures of central tendency and spread, angles, polygons, and area. In the second portion of the class, the focus will shift to algebraic concepts. These topics include the equations of a line, systems of equations, radicals, and rational expressions and equations.  A strong algebra foundation is critical for anyone looking to pursue a Calculus course either junior or senior year in high school. 

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