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Saint joseph high school

parents club PRESENTS:


Friday, November 22, 2024

Maglio Gymnasium

145 Plainfield Avenue, Metuchen, NJ

Doors Open at 5:30 p.m., First Game Called at 7:00 p.m.

Admission: $50 per person

10 seats per Table (no additional seating can be added past 10 people due to safety protocol)


Important Note: It is best to register as a group under 1 Table Leader in order to guarantee all guests are seated together. We cannot guarantee separate registrations will be seated at the same table. 


Featuring 10 games of Bingo, Basket Raffle, 50/50 Raffle and a Premium Gucci Bag Raffle.

Additional Bingo Cards, Premium Raffles and 50/50 Raffle tickets will be sold separately at the event.



Bring Your Own Food and Refreshments to Enjoy!

Admission includes 2 packets of 10 Bingo Games (equaling 2 cards per game) an Ink Stamper, 1 door prize ticket, and 5 additional raffle tickets.

Admission reservations are required! No admission reservations will be sold at the door!


“Important Event Information” Please Read & Complete Thoroughly!


•    Admission Reservation Forms will be accepted via online registration. Check emails, Saint Joes’ Social and Website for information and access to registration. 

•    Admission Reservation Forms must accompany payment by Credit Card (online), or Cash or Check delivered to Saint Joseph High School. Make checks payable to Saint Joseph High School Parents Club. Note: If checks/cash are not received by Friday, November 15th for reservations, you will be contacted, and your reservation is subject to cancellation by the Admissions Reservation Committee.

  •  Admission Reservations are FINAL and are NON-REFUNDABLE.

  • No one under the age of 18 will be admitted.

•    The event has limited seating and is anticipated to sell-out quickly!

•    By submitting this form, you agree to the terms listed on this entire form.

•      Completion of all form information below is important and required to assist with bingo card distribution and seating; bingo card distribution and seating instruction will be given at the door at the event—Note: no (hard copy) admission tickets will be given for admission; all admission registrants are recorded online and will check in the night of the event by name. 

•    All seating is reserved. Parties less than 10 guests will be combined/seated with others. All tables seat 10 guests.

•    Seating arrangements will be made by the Admissions Reservations Committee and cannot be changed the night of the event.  Please review your Admission Reservation form for accuracy prior to submitting. Please Remember… It is best to register as a group under 1 Table Leader in order to guarantee all guests are seated together. We cannot guarantee separate registrations will be seated at the same table.

•    The Admissions Reservations Committee reserves the right to make table changes to accommodate guests with disabilities or special needs.

•    Admission Reservations Form requires Main Contact Person signature to be valid.

•    Kindly note ONLY Cash and Credit Cards will be accepted at the event for additional Bingo Cards and Premium Raffles; 50:50 Raffles are CASH ONLY.  No Personal Checks accepted at the event.


Click here to register

Raffle Tickets for Premium Gucci Raffle Price


This year, the Mothers Club is raffling off a Premium Gucci bag valued at over $1,700. 

Money raised by this raffle will be going towards Saint Joseph High School’s needs-based scholarships.

Tickets for the Premium Gucci Raffle are available for purchase the night of the event at $20 for one ticket or 6 tickets for $100. 

The lucky ticket will be pulled at the annual Pocketbook Bingo event held on November 22.


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