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Athletics Hall of Fame Bylaws

Articles of the bylaws, delineated below, provide the Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee and Advisory Committee with mandatory guidelines for inducting members into the Saint Joseph Athletics Hall of Fame. The articles of the bylaws may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee and with approval from the high school’s President and Principal. Such changes may not take effect until one year after they have been approved.​



  • ​Members of the Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee and Advisory Committee are committed to the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and to Saint Joseph High School's philosophy and are knowledgeable of its sports programs.
  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee and Advisory Committee will uphold the highest standards in granting nomination only to qualified individuals.

  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee will identify, review, and verify the achievements of all qualified nominees before making a final selection of inductees.

  • The high school’s current President, Principal, Assistant to the President, Director of Athletics, Director of Communications, and Alumni Relations Officers will form the Athletics Hall of Fame Leadership Committee.
  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee will consist of either seven or nine alumni and/or current Saint Joseph High School Partners in Mission (Faculty and Staff members) who represent and bridge decades of the school’s history from its founding in the 1960s to the present and may include any members of the Athletics Hall of Fame Leadership Committee.

  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Advisory Committee will consist of any number of alumni and/or current Saint Joseph High School Partners in Mission (Faculty and Staff members) who represent and bridge decades of the school’s history from its founding in the 1960s to the present and may include any members of the Athletics Hall of Fame Leadership Committee.

  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Leadership Committee may make exceptions to membership considerations by unanimous decision with approval from the President and Principal.

  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee will meet as necessary.


​Former student-athletes, coaches, teams, athletics administrators, and significant contributors to Saint Joseph High School athletics are eligible for nomination under the considerations delineated below.

  • ​A minimum of five (5) full calendar years must have elapsed between a student-athlete’s graduation from Saint Joseph High School and his nomination. For example, student-athletes who graduated from Saint Joseph High School in May 2017 or before are eligible for Class of 2023 induction. Student-athletes must have attended Saint Joseph High School for at least three years.
  • A minimum of five (5) full calendar years must have elapsed between a team’s performance and its nomination. For example, teams whose seasons concluded on or before March 1, 2018 are eligible for Class of 2023 induction. The March 1, 2023 date reflects the deadline for receipt of Hall of Fame nomination forms. 

  • A minimum of five (5) full calendar years must have elapsed between the conclusion of a coach or athletics administrator’s tenure at Saint Joseph High School and his/her nomination. For example, coaches or athletics administrators whose tenure at Saint Joseph concluded on or before March 1, 2018 are eligible for Class of 2023 induction. The March 1, 2023 date reflects the deadline for receipt of Hall of Fame nomination forms.  The selection committee is permitted to take into account the coaching achievements of active head coaches only when such individuals have been nominated for induction as student-athletes. In such specific cases, the selection committee reserves the right to review the nominee’s entire body of work as a student-athlete and coach.

  • Individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of Saint Joseph High School’s athletics program are eligible at any time for nomination.

  • A nominee’s outstanding performance or record in a varsity sport at Saint Joseph High School should differentiate that individual from his peers. Those nominees who were national champions, All-Americans, all-state selections, and/or conference or county player of the year honorees and whose greatness continued into the collegiate, professional, and/or Olympic arenas may distinguish themselves from their peers.

  • A nominee’s record of sportsmanship and lifestyle of integrity and probity should serve as a model for current and future Saint Joseph High School student-athletes.

  • Nominations for posthumous induction will be accepted provided the nominees meet the aforementioned considerations.


  • ​Nominations of qualified candidates will be accepted through March 1, 2023.
  • Nominations received after March 1, 2023 will be held and added to the list of nominees for the ensuing odd calendar year.

  • All nominations must include sufficient documentation to provide the committee with compelling evidence of each candidate’s qualifications (the onus is on the nominator).

  • Nominations will be accepted electronically through an online application form with a deadline of March 1, 2023 and received via certified mail postmarked no later than March 1, 2023 through a printable application form that will also be available online.

  • The online application form shall be made available to the public on the Saint Joseph High School website, through the school’s social media networks, via an email blast to alumni, and through a press release distributed to news agencies.

  • Nominees who are not elected during the year in which they were nominated will remain eligible for election for a period of six (6) years following their initial nomination.


  • ​The Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee will consist of seven (7) or nine (9) voting members and one (1) chairperson. The chairperson is ineligible to vote.
  • The chairperson is responsible for providing committee members with all nominations. The chairperson will also work with the high school’s Director of Communications to solicit nominations for the Athletics Hall of Fame and to publicize the announcement of each induction class.

  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee will convene a number of times during the months of March and April at Saint Joseph High School in odd calendar years to select student-athletes, coaches, teams, and/or significant contributors for induction later that same year.

  • All Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee members present at the selection meeting will vote, ranking each of their selections in descending numerical order, with the top selection ranked No. 1, the second choice ranked No. 2, and so forth.

  • Nominees receiving the lowest total score based on the aforementioned ranking formula will be selected for induction.

  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee will determine the total number of nominees to be inducted each class year. No fewer than six (6) and no more than twelve (12) nominees will be inducted in any class year. A team shall be considered to be one nominee.

  • Based on nominations, the Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee each year will be provided the flexibility to determine a percentage of nominees per sport to ensure balanced representation of all of the athletics programs that Saint Joseph has offered or offers. Any such decisions must meet the Athletics Hall of Fame Leadership Committee’s approval.

  • A minimum of five (5) committee members must be present for a quorum at the meeting to select inductees. A maximum of two (2) members who cannot physically attend the selection meeting may participate via conference call or submit their ballots electronically. All seven (7) committee member votes must be counted.

  • Should an Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee member be nominated, then that individual will be required to abstain from voting, and a member of the Athletics Hall of Fame Leadership Committee will replace that individual as a voting member in that particular year.

  • The Athletics Hall of Fame Advisory Committee will provide objective counsel, including historical context and perspective of nominees, upon the request of the Selection Committee.

  • All inductees are subject to the approval of the President and Principal of Saint Joseph High School.

  • Each Athletics Hall of Fame induction class will be feted at a ceremony. All inductees will receive a plaque illustrating their accomplishments, which will be detailed in a program provided to everyone in attendance at the Hall of Fame ceremony. The inductees’ names will appear on a Saint Joseph Athletics Hall of Fame display in the school. Profiles of inductees will be made available through a portal on the high school’s official website.

  • Inductees must be able to attend the induction ceremony. When necessary, the President and Principal may make exceptions.