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Saint Joe's Shares Faith Journey with Catholic High Students


Saint Joe's Shares Faith Journey with Catholic High Students
Dylan Hollender

Taking time away from the world is a powerful way to reconnect with God and is the centerpiece for the weeklong Kairos retreats that have become a staple to upperclassmen at Saint Joseph High School. What is even more powerful is sharing that experience with a greater community.  

Saint Joe’s welcomed 11 students from Catholic High School, a fellow Brothers of the Sacred Heart school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to join this time of faith, reflection and brotherhood during the week of November 18.

“We definitely share a bond because Father André Coindre helped start both of our schools,” Catholic High senior Charlie Dardis said. “We all have one thing in common, and that’s the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. Through the charism we get to meet each other.”

During Kairos, students grew in their faith together and enjoyed sharing their individual relationship with their faith and God. Despite a large difference in miles between schools, the mission remains the same according to Saint Joe’s retreat leader Robert Christensen ‘25. 

“Although there’s different Brothers schools around the country, everyone is unique in their own way,” Christensen said. “But at the end of the day it’s all brotherhood. Everyone is really respectful, everyone cares, and everyone is bought in. The faith journeys are really cool to listen to.” 

After the retreat wrapped up and a flight back to Louisiana left, the experience remained unforgettable to our brothers from Catholic High, with plans for this group of retreatants to become the student leaders at a first official Kairos in Baton Rouge in the coming months. 

“I’ve told them that they’re pioneers,” Catholic High Director of Campus Ministry Scott Losavio said. “They’ve embraced that role and get to start something new at a school that’s been around a long time. It’s been great for them to see what’s going on here, feel that energy, and to genuinely be inspired by it and have it move through them as well.”