Connect with Saint Joe's
Saint Joe’s offers a variety of opportunities to connect with your alma mater. Events such as the Green Tie Gala, Falcon Golf Classic and Regional Chapter Meet-ups allow you to interact with fellow alumni and reminisce about your time on campus.
Joining the Saint Joseph Alumni LinkedIn group allows you to connect with the Falcon Alumni Network in a professional capacity. Our annual publications, including TODAY Magazine and Annual Report allow you to read about the successful stories of our students, partners in mission and alumni.
Stay Up to Date on the saint joseph community
News and publications
Stay up to date on all the news and events within the Saint Joseph High School community by reading our annual publications. Each year, the Saint Joseph Alumni Relations and Advancement Office produces two magazine (Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer), as well as the Annual Report. Find the latest editions of the magazine below.
Share Your News
Have an update to share with the Saint Joseph community? Fill out the form below and you might be included in an upcoming publication or on social media.
show your falcon pride!
There are lots of ways to show your Falcon Pride! Whether you put a Saint Joe's magnet on your car or wave a Falcons flag at home, hang your diploma in your office, or share your love for the Brotherhood with others, you're helping to support Saint Joe's.
No matter how you choose to display your Falcon Pride, be sure to let us know! You can send a photo to or use that e-mail address to share the unique ways that you promote Saint Joe's. If you're sending a photo, please include the location and date if possible, and identify everyone in your photos.
visit the campus store
The Campus Store is the go-to place for all Saint Joe's apparel, including sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts and more. Click the link below to visit the Online Store, or visit us on campus every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30-2:30 p.m.
Get Your Falcon Alumni Bandana
Are you organizing an alumni get together or looking to share your Saint Joe's pride while on vacation? Fill out the form linked below to request a Falcon Pride bandana and send a picture to