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Tuition Payment Plans

Saint Joseph uses FACTS Management Company, a third party vendor for all payments. FACTS allows families to select a payment plan that is most convenient: annually, biannually, 10-month payment plan, or 12-month. An annual fee of $50 is charged  to set up your account.  Payments made by credit card are charged a transaction fee.

For returning families, all upperclassmen will be automatically re-enrolled with FACTS Management. An email confirmation from FACTS will be sent in late spring confirming your new active agreement for the upcoming school year.  Please do not create a new FACTS account. 

A non-refundable tuition deposit of $1,000 will be withdrawn for sophomores, juniors and seniors in May for the upcoming year. (freshmen pay the non-refundable deposit at registration) If you have made the decision to withdraw your son at the end of the school year, please contact the Business Office by March 1, 2023 to avoid the deduction.