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Fall Prep Course

Fall Prep Course

The Saint Joseph High School Entrance Exam Prep Course prepares applicants for the Saint Joseph High School Entrance Exam. Saint Joseph High School uses this test to determine admission into the school, placement into college prep, honors, and AP courses, and scholarship eligibility. 

Students will learn specific test taking strategies and acquire greater expertise in verbal and mathematical skills. Students will benefit by instruction from Saint Joseph High School faculty who will prepare them for the demands of this exam. 


Prep Course Dates Fall 2024

Session 1: October 22, 24, 28, 30

Session 2: November 4, 6, 11, 13

Course Details:

The course consists of four - 2-hour instructional sessions that run from 6pm-8pm.


The Prep Course cost is $200.


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All sessions are from 6:00pm-8:00pm
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